In-Shaler Readers…

…a more informative post will be coming. You may review some of the season opening archive posts to get a sense of what is necessary to participate. Some video links are also in the older posts to take a peek at, if you wish.

If you select the “Follow” button at this time, you will receive emails each time the website is updated with new information. I post conservatively, FYI. You will not be inundated with constant emails other than having to do with our Saturday practices (weather cancellations, etc.).

In the meantime, please feel free to email me directly at

Thank you!

4 responses to “In-Shaler Readers…”

  1. Ahhhh I can already feel the chilly morning quickly turn to sunshine mid session and can hear the birds welcoming us back!

    Bliss & I anticipate another peaceful season. Always hope you are well.

    See you soon my friend!

    1. Blessings to be sure to be together again! It will be good medicine yet again to come together. So looking forward to seeing you both and welcoming our ‘come what may’ saturdays after filling our tanks! xo

  2. Elizabeth Hanulak Avatar
    Elizabeth Hanulak

    good morning, denise!

    i so agree and look forward to a season of some welcome predictability and of course– dear YOGIS! stay well and the countdown begins😊😉🙏 -lizzie

  3. Elizabeth,

    I am so looking forward to the start of yoga this year. Hopefully, good weather prevails the whole season. Thank you.
    Denise Bilka

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