Park yoga cancelled

Good morning. The skies are very ominous and continue to get full. I am canceling the park this morning because it does look like it’s going to pour any minute and I’d rather not have us just get started. So go back to bed and maybe see you at 10:00am at millvale library. Be sure to bring your mat and you don’t even have to get out jammies…I may not! ;^)

I think next week may be our last Saturday in the park. 🙁

3 responses to “Park yoga cancelled”

  1. Hey Liz, Before I send any info out, can you tell me if this is going directly to you? I’d like to send you the times and places of my classes. Send me your personal email if that would be more confidential. Thanks! Dinelle

  2. Thank you Lizzy! I think a good decision, I am starting to hear the rain drops now at. 7:30. I believe Mother Nature is telling me to stay home and clean house!!

    1. Good morning, jody! 🙂 I did feel bad until right after I got the message it posted–and could hear it POURING! Chuckled with relief. I think you are right, it’s a good day to stay central and take care of your needs. Xo

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